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A Reason To Giggle

The title seem strange? There's a really good reason for it.  Life can throw you some tough moments. Some real slammers that you have trouble seeing past.. but what life also gives you is moments that, without us even realising at times, make us laugh. One day while doing some reading I cam across the title of a group called "You Know You're An ASD Parent When"... at the time I thought, wow... great title, I wonder what others will think of it.. so, once again I go to my beautiful support group family and ask them to answer that exact phrase but to do it with some funny moments. You see, ASD isn't all doom and gloom. While we have some dark moments at times, sometimes there's the best smiles that come from things we never imagined.. so, as you're going through this website, if you find yourself feeling down, please, drop by here and have another read. I still laugh just thinking of some of these things and I'm pretty sure there'd be some people who would think me crazy cause I think of them in the damnedest of places :) I just wish I could share the whole conversation with you :)

So... You Know You're An ASD Parent When.....

Parent 1

Your child knows how to work your iphone better then you.

You get excited over a wee in the toilet or a new food being eaten .


​Parent 2

You secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) get highly annoyed with the seemingly trivial stuff that Mums of NT children sometimes complain about...

Parent 3

You clap you're hands like a seal and yee haa like an idiot because you're child has done something new!

Parent 4

You're are shopping and hear a child screeching and realise you didn't bring your child with you " big slap to head " and you think dang I know how you feel and you go give the poor mum a high five and tell her she's amazing

Parent 5

When your child says Mum for the first time aged 4yrs and says it to you not the shed  and how you scream it to the world ... my son just called me mum ... what an awesome feeling that was

Parent 6

When you are introduced to a new adult and you say HIIIIIII. and wave your hand in a manic fashion.. Ive also been known to yell WELL DONE! and GOOD JOB!.. complete with thumbs up..

​Parent 7

At dinner time, you tell your husband "come on time for sitting"

Parent 8

When your granddaughter is asleep and she is laughing so loud 4 hour's and u know what it means  but u also deep down get great joy out of hearing her beautiful laughter,now 3.8 and the day she talks will be like winning the lotto

Parent 9 

When telemarketers call & your husband passes the ph to your children so they can tell them their life story! True story! Lol

Parent 10

You try and tell a joke and your asd child takes it literally. I told a joke from Facebook the other day to my kids......everybody tells me I am a bad cook.....but have you seen my cereal......and my daughter said after the first sentence....yes I know your a bad cook.....and then after the second sentence she said ....yes I can see honestly made the joke a lot funnier...the literal side of it.

Parent 11

You ask your 3 year old to jump in the bath, and he gets in and starts jumping. Still getting used to him taking everything so literally! Even mentioning that I am going to run a bath and he wants to run and race me to it....

Parent 12

If you say it's raining cats and daughter looks up to the sky and says I cant see a cat mummy....very's sooooo cute.

Parent 13

I used to say "get a wriggle on" and he would jig around and waste even more time! I understand more, now that he has been diagnosed, but prior to that I was really perplexed at some of his behaviours. 

Parent 14

You can hold a conversation on the phone with your 6yr old rocking and flapping madly to The Wiggles on his iPad right beside you.

Parent 15

When you totally tune out the noise of your children and still remain calm and talk to the person sitting next to you when they are trying to hear what you are saying above the noise....Oh, I've got another one. You know you're an ASD parent when you hear of other parent's struggles and you just have a little chuckle under your breathe and think to yourself "ha that's nothing!".

Parent 16

When you realise you are whistling: A is for apple, a a apple. In the middle of woolies.

Parent 17

Your kid thinks hand soap sunscreen and anything else creamy is a healthy food group and licking the pavement is normal

Parent 18

You have to ask your kid regularly to spit out that gob full of leaves!!

Parent 19

When you're walking around singing all the jolly phonics songs to your kid in the supermarket, when you realise hubby has walked off with him.

Parent 20

When you realise you have now answered the same question for only about the 1678945322nd time this morning

Parent 21

When the dermatologist recommends a skin regime for your child and your first question to him is is all this stuff ok if ingested cause he will prob eat it or drink it. To have him reply you know I've never had anyone ask me that before but i can find out. To which you reply welcome to my world.

Parent 22

My 3 year old has been reading for over 12 months (but on the downside has some serious social issues). When daddy asked what did you do today, he answered, mummy went to BWS (Beer Wine and Spirits) and TAB.....well it was Melbourne Cup day after all, but I have no secrets now that he can recall everywhere I take him! lol

Parent 23

When you avoid spotlight and haberdashery stores unless your boy has just had a bath as any pillow bin WILL be dived into head first..

Parent 24

In our case with my sons obsession you name all the specialists by their professional are rather than a blanket "Doctor". Because if you call the poor professional "Doctor" my son will then list the 11 actors who played Doctor Who, then tell whatever doctor he is seeing that he is my sons 12th , 13th or up to 16th favourite doctor depending who it is lol. Paed is his 12, g.p his 13th, at the moment lol

Parent 25

When your child falls off playground equipment and acts like nothing happened but will scream when a fly lands near her lol and you have to avoid water fountains in shops because your child likes to climb in for a swim

Parent 26

You don't care your child just wrecked your fave shoes because they are finally pretend playing

Parent 27

It's not an ASD kid thing but a literal thing. If we're at the shops with half a trolley full & the pink one needs a pee, I've told her to just hold it do we can get to the loo. Her reply, unbelievably loud "you mean hold my giney mum?" while clutching hard.

Parent 28

You now you're an ASD parent when your iPhone corrects to It to OT, & "and" to ASD

Parent 29

You know when you deck yourself & kids out in blue for autism awareness, but said autism means u don't *actually* leave the house that day!

Parent 30

You pay 4 foxtel just 4 the 24 hour kids show's

Parent 31

When your kid will happily wander into the pitch black backyard at night but run screaming if there's a wind blowing!

Parent 32

When your nt kids throw a whopper of a tantie and your reaction is 'is that the best you have, I've seen worse'

Parent 33

When you are late for school, but you are happy that you are not late enough to get a late note and your child is dressed in uniform, hair brushed and teeth cleaned and you walk through the gate holding your head up proud and wave  to the other parents as they walk out the gate because all of that was a massive achievement for the day! And to top it off, no meltdown.

Well, that was our morning this morning.

Parent 34

When you work for months to get you're child into a good sleep routine and end up feeling lonely and when it finally happens find you yourself sitting, cuddled up with a teddybear while she sleeps soundly.

Parent 35

You know you're an asd parent when time out to get a root canal is as good as a day spa!


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