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Self-Referred Groups and Therapists

This page is designed to list Groups and Therapists who contact me and ask to have their services listed. This doesn't mean they aren't any good because they aren't on the recommended therapists page... what this means is that no one I know has used them. You should also know that I've taken the time to have a look at the services that they offer and believe they deserve to be listed so others can find them. PLEASE NOTE: where possible the actual links are made clickable and will open a new window. Email addresses when clicked will open a blank email from your own email address and will come with the subject line *Request For Information Through Without The Jargon*. 

RDI Services

I was contacted by Elizabeth who sent me a very lovely email regarding the services that RDI provide.

Their website is very comprehensive and impressed me a lot.

Details below:

Elizabeth Ponce Barboza

RDI® Program Certified Consultant

Family Connections Sydney
South East / South West Sydney
Mobile  0405 924 792


RDI Consultants Australia



My Time

I've been in contact with Peta Cass of My Time Taree - Making A Difference. I've nattered with Peta a number of times and she's a very lovely lady. Peta's started a closed support group (meaning private) on facebook to act as a help for those people who would love to make it to the meetings in Taree and Tuncurry but are unable to do so. Below you will find the official government My Time website as well as the link to Peta's facebook group. MyTime groups provide facilitated peer support for mums, dads, grandparents and anyone caring for children with a disability, developmental delay or chronic medical condition from 0-16.

Official Website:

This is Peta's facebook group:

To contact Peta via email:

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