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Your Voice

I was asked today what would be the one piece of advice that I'd give other parents.... well, that's quite easy for me... except that it has two parts. Firstly and foremost please remember you have a voice. You are the person who lives with your child day in day out, without your voice (and sometimes you have to scream from the rooftops!) there's no chance of you child having a voice. You're the one who talks with therapists telling them everything that's happening, what things are worrying, what things you can both jump up and down and scream about... use your voice. You don't need to accept that things are the way they are, you have the power of voice to move mountains in your life, please remember that. That leads me to the second part.. yes you have a voice, yes you're the one in between your child and the world... but have you used your voice for you? There's no shame in screaming and wanting to have more. Sometimes it's that five minutes of silence that keep your head from exploding! You aren't super heroes.... as much as your children think you are... you are human beings and as such you have just as much right to help from the people you go to for it. Life can really get you down at times, sometimes you feel like a failure, sometimes you just want to shut the world away and forget everything. But you know what... you don't. You keep going. You keep pushing yourself to the extreme limits until finally some things in your life begin to fail and fail miserably. You start to lack the confidence you once had, that drive that makes you the person you are and not just someone's mum or dad. Don't forget you. If you find yourself in a position where things are getting on top of you, please, don't wait till it's too late, use your voice, ask for help. There are sooooo many organisations out there with counselors and support for you, yes you have to fight for it sometimes but please remember, you aren't any good to your child if you aren't a whole person. Look in the mirror and ask yourself when it was that you last had a few moments away with the girls or the guys... don't leave it until it's too late. You're going to feel a lot of fear and worry and possibly you'll panic... ya know what.. that's normal. Take some time for you, give yourself a damn big pat on the back and always remember how damn proud we all are of you for everything that you've achieved so far but please, please remember..... Use your voice now so your life is easier later.

From my family to yours, massive hugs! xxxxxxx

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